
Designed and sized to fit standard Aluminium cylinders (Flat Bottomed) - Read More

AUD$ 15.00

Keep water, dust & dirt out of your tank valve when not in use - and protect your tanks valves' threads! - Read More

AUD$ 3.00

Tuck your hoses out of the way around your stage/pony tank - still easily accessible if in need! - Read More

AUD$ 10.00

Protect your cylinder valves from sea spray/dust/critter or do as we do and ditch the platic tape indicting used (cap off) or filled (cap on)! - Read More

AUD$ 3.00

Protect your cylinder valves from sea spray/dust/critter or do as we do and ditch the platic tape indicting used (cap off) or filled (cap on)! - Read More

AUD$ 3.00