
DIVE AUSTRALIA Scuba Diving Vacations & Trips in Australia

Go Dive's Australian Holidays

Let Go Dive Brisbane  and SubmersibleHuman take you on a fantastic Australian holiday with some of the best scuba diving in the World, right here in our own country!

Join us on a fully organised and escorted trip where all you need to worry about is…..well….nothing!!  


Click On the Destination for more information


South Australia Summer - Sea Dragons & Sinkholes

South West Rocks QLD Long Weekend - May

South Australia Winter - Giant Cuttlefish

Coral Triangle & Komodo - Liveaboard trip

Heron Island Escape - November - Turtle Season

Christmas Island - November/December - Red Crab Spawning



South West Rocks QLD Long Weekend - May

Lake Jindabyne - Drysuit & Cold water experience (in preparation for Iceland 2024!)