Meet the Team at Go Dive
Name :Mark Robertson
Qualifications : Master Instructor
Service Technician
EFR Instructor Trainer
Workplace First Aid Trainer
Dives : Over 3000
Favourite Dive : Osprey Reef
Favourite Specialty to teach : Search and Recovery
Favourite type of diving : Wreck
Diving Goal : To dive in Galαpagos and inspire a new generation of diver to become an advocate for the environment and shark protection.
Memorable Diving Moment : Flat Rock Hammer head encounter, every dive over two weeks the Hammer Head did a fly by at Northern Ledges 2012.
Name :Diana Doreian (Diver Di)
Qualifications : Staff Instructor
Store Manager
EFR Instructor
Dives : Over 4000
Favourite Dive : Fujikawa Maru, Truk Lagoon
Favourite Specialty to teach : Wreck Diver
Favourite type of diving : Wreck
Diving Goal : too many goals! - Dive *Antarctica, *HMS Victoria(Turkey), * Mexico Centoes. * ex MV Petaj Wreck, Solomon Islands. *More wrecks in Truk!
Memorable Diving Moment : Ronaldo. Open Water Course. He had been in an accident in a flooded car, so teaching him how to cope with a flooded mask was very challenging, and some long hours in the pool. I remember the utter joy for him (and his wife Rina who was re-certifying for him) and he completed a mask removal and replacement without fear and with complete ability on that certifying dive. I was so proud of him I could burst.
Name : Tim Simkin
Qualifications : Master Scuba Diver Trainer
Dives : 400+
Favourite Dive : Fiji Shark Dive
Favourite Specialty to teach : Wreck
Favourite type of diving : Wreck Diving
Diving Goal : Visit as many dive sites around the world as possible
Memorable Diving Moment : Diving with my two children for the first time.
Name : Beau Price
Qualifications : Master Instructor
Service Tech
Tec Deep Instructor
Part 4 Saturation Diver
Dives : Over 9000!!!!
Favourite Dive : SS President Coolidge
Favourite Specialty to teach : Deep, Wreck, Divemaster and Eanx
Favourite type of diving : Deep Wreck, Sharks and Commercial
Diving Goal : Owning a dive shop somewhere exotic.
Memorable Diving Moment : Diving with different sharks all over the world.
Name : Ben Kriss
Qualifications : PADI Dive Instructor
Dives : 2000+
Favourite Dive :Tied between Richelieu Rock(Thailand) and the Bistro(Fiji Shark Dive)
Favourite Specialty to teach : Deep and Wreck
Favourite type of diving :Night Diving
Diving Goal :To dive the most pristine dive locations around the world.
Memorable Diving Moment :Diving at Richelieu Rock in 2000. The layers of sealife was breath taking. 1000's of Travally, Barracuda,
Giant Moray Eels, and two 4m Tiger Sharks that were so close I could touch them.
Name : Andrew Kirby
Qualifications : PADI Dive Instructor
Dives : 380+
Favourite Dive : Wrecks and Reefs
Favourite Specialty to teach : Deep and EANx
Favourite type of diving : Deep Wrecks on mixed gases
Diving Goal : MSDT with 1000+ dives around the world
Memorable Diving Moment : Tinkerbell Dive at Truk Lagoon - Night dive with massive bio-luminescence, torches off but lit up like a Christmnas Tree. Every movement created showers of natural light.
Memorable Local Diving Moment : Northern Ledges at Flat Rock - Dolphin, Barracuda, Sharks, 100+ Eagle Rays, 30m+ Viz
Name : Micheal Browne
Qualifications : Master Scuba Diver Trainer
Dives : 500+
Favourite Dive : SS President Collidge
Favourite Specialty to teach : Wreck Diver
Favourite type of diving : Wreck Diving
Diving Goal : To Dive Palau and Freshwater dive in Cenotes in Mexico
Memorable Diving Moment : Seeing my first Hammerhead shark in Sipadan
Name : Emma Simkin
Qualifications : PADI OWSI Instructor
Dives : 100+
Favourite Dive : Fiji Shark Dive
Favourite Specialty to teach : N/A
Favourite type of diving : Photography
Diving Goal : To not be a numpty like Robyn...
Memorable Diving Moment : Diving with Robyn and Mark for the first time, cause they are the best.
Name : Troy Simkin
Qualifications : PADI OWSI Instructor
Dives : 100+
Favourite Dive : Cod Hole, Great Barrier Reef
Favourite Specialty to teach : Scuba Tune Up, Assist on Rescue
Favourite type of diving : Night Diving
Diving Goal : To be an Instructor
Memorable Diving Moment : Shark Feed Dive on the Great Barrier Reef
Name : Nick Wilson
Qualifications : PADI Divemaster
Dives : 300+
Favourite Dive :
Favourite Specialty to teach :
Favourite type of diving :
Diving Goal :
Memorable Diving Moment :
Name : Stefan Karlsson
Qualifications : PADI Divemaster
Dives :230+
Favourite Dive :Coolidge
Favourite Specialty to teach :Deep, Wreck & Sidemount
Favourite type of diving : Technical Diving
Diving Goal : To learn as much as possible in all aspects of diving
Memorable Diving Moment : Coming face to face with a Grey Nurse Shark for the first time.
Name : Emilie Ledwidge
Qualifications : PADI Divemaster
Dives : 80
Favourite Dive :
Favourite Specialty to teach :
Favourite type of diving :
Diving Goal :
Memorable Diving Moment :
Name : Matt Hook
Qualifications : PADI Divemaster in Training
Dives :
Favourite Dive :
Favourite Specialty to teach :
Favourite type of diving :
Diving Goal :
Memorable Diving Moment :
Name : Owen Neve
Qualifications : PADI Divemaster
Dives :
Favourite Dive :
Favourite Specialty to teach :
Favourite type of diving :
Diving Goal :
Memorable Diving Moment :
Name : Steph Mc Intire
Qualifications : PADI Divemaster
Dives : 54
Favourite Dive : They are all pretty Good but having a Manta Ray overhead and Leopard Sharks all around me.
Favourite Specialty to teach : N/A
Favourite type of diving : Reef Diving
Diving Goal : Becoming a Dive Instructor
Memorable Diving Moment : Coming face to face with a Grey Nurse Shark in Shark Alley.